A daily update of "Positive Points of View".

God, grant the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,

...... and
the wisdom to know the difference.

Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Speaking love thru "gifts

This is something I have done so much – too much - and it is pretty much a terrible habit..

I base my relationships on the ideology of caring, cooperation, mutual understanding, being of service to someone, respect and most of all love…

How do I differentiate what lies beneath people's words, their reactions, or their silence?

" You give too much, you do too much, please, we do not want your gift.. I do not want your gift.."

Do I pause?

Is a “pause”  powerful: will it restore my ability to access my intuition? 

To be of service to someone, I must set aside my own agenda, open my heart and ask,
"What can I do for this person?" instead of, 
"What do I need to do for them so I feel better about me?" 

Will this allow me to connect heart-to-heart and to give with real love and compassion??
If I give in this way, maybe I won't feel depleted - hurt?????

As I am someone who neglects myself in favor of giving to others, I can instead choose to practice self-love to find balance.  

Am I not being my best self if I am constantly setting aside my own needs to the point of running my time, money or energy into the ground.
Take some time out of MY day for ME and only ME....

There is an utter brilliance you experience when you balance taking care of your own needs with being of service to others. 
As you begin to lead your life more from this place—self-love balanced with love for the larger "we"—your light will shine through. 

... My light is starting to shine....

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