A daily update of "Positive Points of View".

God, grant the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,
The courage to change the things I can,

...... and
the wisdom to know the difference.

Monday, August 15, 2011


Sorry I have been away but now I am back and promise to stay!

Started to garden – how can u plant something so small and it grow and blossom ?
My favorite flower the IRIS… I had a whole wall of fresh IRIS this summer and had them all over the house!

Here are my TOMATOES!  How pretty are these..


  1. Just dropped by to see how you`re doing over there in Seattle. We`ve missed you AnnaDee! I am impressed with your irises, such a lovely colour. All the best.

  2. Dear A

    thanks for droppin by - If you have any topics as ideas for meeeee - lemmie know - my deeeeerrrrr
