Designer Thoughts from the heart of me. Inspired to be a candid, heartfelt testimony of my thoughts on life, family, love and the world.
A daily update of "Positive Points of View".
God, grant the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, The courage to change the things I can,
...... andthe wisdom to know the difference.
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
When was the last time you stitched something...
Mary Joe makes these in her company called crazy sisors... she does a lot of the artwork for my site.
thanks Mare! Everyone - Please enjoy these cute items!
I was born in Brooklyn when most people were ashamed to say they were born in Brooklyn. We were a poor Italian family. My dad owned a dry cleaning store and we all lived in the back of the store - mom, dad, sis, bro and me. I am married and have two wonderful children (adults) and have 5 spectacular gradchildren ( 4 boyz 1 girl).
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